Sunday 20 May 2012

The best kinds of people ;)

If youve read my blog you already know that a title like that, will not be followed by a nice fluffy post about good people.  But rather, a little rant about quite the opposite ;)

Wandering around a local shopping place this past week, I decided another rant blog was most definitely required.  For the love of all things holy, WHYYYY are some people allowed in public?  Public indecency laws should also include people who have hair extensions that are so thin, they could be mistaken for a piece of thread caught in the woman's horrid over processed main. ergh ><

My day was going along just fine, a morning of media assignments, cleaning duties done, and the boy returned home from work, and thus a late lunch date was on the cards.  Why did I expose my eyes to such horror :O SO I though I would write a little message, that I would pass onto these people, should I ever have the chance.  Here we go:

Dear woman with acrylic nails, hair extensions and a screaming child with a dirty face, clothes and no shoes.  I have no issue with you spending your welfare cheques on making yourself beautiful, nor do I have an issue with the government helping you out while you spend valuable time raising your child, BUT WHEN YOU ARE DOING NEITHER, then the issue rises.  Take that 55 dollars you've blown on your 'far-to-long-to-be-a-mum" nails, and buy your kids some shoes.  And while your at it, wipe your child's face, preferably with your horse hair, barely there extensions, it'll solve 2 issues.

Dear group of teenage girls slapping on a face of makeup "testers".  Firstly, hahahahahahahahahaha, if only you had worked in the cosmetic retail industry and seen where those testers go at times.  Under cabinets, swatches by 100s of people, exposed to all kinds of bacterias. THAT'S WHY YOU ARE ONLY MEANT TO SWATCH THEM !! YUK. Secondly, when I go to swatch a product I genuinely want to purchase and its broken/ empty/covered in your greasy hormonal skin, we've got an issue.  For god sake, not only do you look like an absolute idiot, you are blocking up the beauty aisle and giving me a headache with your high pitched shit talk. There is no way in hell you are going to spend 30 dollars on that Revlon lipstick,  GO HOME!

Dear group of teenage boys riding your bikes in the middle of the walkway. Firstly, TURN YOUR MOBILE PHONE MUSIC PLAYER OFF! Listening to some shit rap music does not make you appear hip.  It makes me want to kick you, hard.  Congratulations! You, like 99% of the population, can both ride a bike, and listen to music.  Impressive stuff ;)

PS. pull your pants up

Dear cashier who decided that it only takes three words to communicate a transaction.  I understand that by 4pm you are sick to death of people and being fake happy, BUT HARDEN UP CUPCAKE!.  Say hello, smile, fake some sort of conversation, and ill be out of your way.  You did understand a customer service job involved service of customers? If you want to be able to keep that addiction to black eyeliner and fake orange streaky tan you appear to have, you might wanna lift your game.

Furthermore, there is also a universal set of issues I have with shopping centres.  For instance, why when you just want to browse do you get 7000 sales people asking you questions, but when you need someone there isn't anyone in sight ?

Why do the slowest walkers always walk in the middle of the walkway?

Why do people feel the need to make out on escalators?

Why do people eat greasy food and shop at the same time? YOUR PUTTING GREASE ON EVERYTHING!

There are so many things that make me cringe in shopping centres.  I could honestly post for days.

In fact, I feel as though this could be a re-occurring topic. "Stupid shit I saw shopping this week" ;)


1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention the group of people who stop in the middle of the walkway so that everyone has to go around them while thet catch up on crap.
    And the people who leave their body odour in their wake as they go.
    Not to forget the thick blanket of smoke that everyone needs to walk through before enetering the shopping centre.......Grrrr
