Friday, 18 May 2012

Internet Ettiquette: Are you an offender?

This was actually one of the very first posts I was going to write.  If you know me in real life you know that I'm not exactly scared of giving a person my honest opinion.  Don't get me wrong I'm not rude, but if your arse does look big in those jeans, then I will probably let you know. 

The absolute rubbish that people carry on with on the internet is probably the biggest pet peeve I have, it really does grind my gears.  And of course with a spike in the popularity of social media, comes a spike in complete dickheads people carrying on like numbats.

You will all be able to relate, I am absolutley sure of it, and thus I present to you, in no particular order:


5. The status update abuser

8.30am: Frank is eating breakfast
8.45am: Frank is hating the weather right now
9.25am: Frank is wishing he was at home
10.00am: Frank is hungry for lunch

And thus continues a day of non stop, newfeed abuse.  NO BODY GIVES A SHIT!!  I don't care for your days itinery,I came on here to stalk my ex's new girlfriend, not look at your 9000 statuses of utter crap. 

Moral of the story; update your status only when you have groundbreaking news, no more then thrice daily :)

4. People who talk like their fingers are mashing the keyboard

"Hae baybiie gurrrll, whaddup bubzz?" < WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SHIT????

I find this is most popular among girls, mostly aged 13-17.  I don't understand it.  Writing that sentence I had to stop and think about a way to reinvent the words I was using, to make me apear a total uneducated douchebag hipster.  Its not faster, its not easier to understand, and you look like a total toolbag. 

Moral of the story: If you are writing like that, hit yourself in the face with a dictionary, take a wiriting class and drink a mouthful of metho.  Youll get yourself a fair idea of correct grammer, and youll probly pass out for a day, leaving the internet free of your utter nonsense.

3. Attention seeking status makers

Number 3 again invloves a similar group of utter idiots from number 4, although I have witnessed this occuring from people much older.  This look familiar?

"Like my status for a to be honest comment"  or  "Like my status for hotttest girls on facebook"

REALLY???? HONESTLY?? you arn't even the tiniest bit embarrassed by posting shit like that?
Embarassment aside YOU LOOK LIKE A TOTAL SPAZZBOT !!  People are only liking your status because they to are looking for an ego boost, they dont like you. 

Like that alone isnt bad enough, this then snowballs into my newsfeed being FILLED with all this "to be honest" crap. and about 99% of them are exactly the same:

Moral of the story: Their isnt one, if you are doing this you are well beyond my help.

2. Unnesassarily tagging

This issue branches into 2 catagories really.  Firstly you have the people who upload a photo of themselves looking smashing hot.  They obviously think its a marvellous shot of themselves and want to share it with the world.  You get a notification "Frank has tagged you in a photo" ooooh yay.
You see theirs frank, duckface on, good angle, looking every bit facebook fantastic.  And theirs you, you didnt see the camera, you appear to have grown a double chin and somehow, unbeknown to you, youve sweat delicious patches under your arms. CHEERS MATE!

The second part of this issue deals with people who tag you in shit thats not even you.  Dumb sayings, luvvo pics of themselves, shoes, event posters, the list goes on. STOP!  Do I look like a neon blue nike air? If you read my blog then you would know that that is deffiently not me, NEON IS AWFUL -_-.

Moral of the story:  If I look like frankensteins bride, or you could be mistaking me for a piece of footwear, better not tag me ;)


Their was absolutly no doubt what this was going to be. LUVVOS.
Ah the humble selfy.  Its been around for so long I almost feel bad, its like picking on somebodies nanna.  Non the less, selfies are without a doubt the biggest abuse of the internet known to man. 

Now a quick disclaimer: A couple snaps of yourself is perfectly acceptable. :)

Im talking serial offenders who upload albums titled "HOLIDAYS", only to fill it with one armed snaps of themselves.  Or "NEW HAIR", followed by 103 pics of them and their 2cm trim.  Another favourite method of selfy is the "take a snap with a 3 year old/puppy/new object" even though its clearly taken to flaunt oneself. 

Furthmore, photoshopping said self portraits is really the pinnacle of it all.  So many people I see in real life look absolutly NOTHING like their uploaded snaps.

Moral of the story: Get out of your bedroom and live a little :)

I could honestly go on for pages, however for the sake of your sanity ill stop here, and leave you with

Highly commended mentions to:
The game invite pest: no i do not want to water your corn/pat you turtle/dance with your grandma.
The event inviter: not really interested in an event 678903 people are invited to in in Spain, but cheers.
The pretend user name: Your name is Bob Marley, not "Bobbbii ilovechristyalways Nevermind", if its not on your birth certificate, dont bother.
The oversharer: "Today i got my period, is it meant to be this painful" Argh glorious :)
The "love" obsessed 13 year old: LOVE MY BOY ALWAYSS FOREVER SOULMATE. ahh deary. its even better when its written as per point 4.

And thats about it really.

If you found yourself reading through any of this and thinking "thats not that bad" or "I do that" then honestly, let me know.  I will proceed to spend the day talking to you in babble bullshit, showing you photo after photo of my glamourous self, whilst you have to look like a wet fish, I will give you an update of my every move annnnnnd i will cap the day off by telling you what i "honestly" think of 70 of my facebook friends. ;)

Until next time

Note: Bloggers spellcheck wont work for me, sooo if you come across any probs, just pretend their right. Think of it like a game of wheres wally ;)

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