Tuesday 29 May 2012

Eleven Question Tag

I was tagged by the very clever and beautiful abelia at abeliascorner.blogspot.com.au .  I recommend you guys check her out, she is such a clever little thing :)
The rules:
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their own blog
  • Answer the questions the tagger has sent you, as well as create 11 new questions for your 'taggers' to answer
  • Choose 11 people to tag and link them in your post
My eleven facts :)
  1. I am one of six siblings
  2. I am obsessed with all things 1980's
  3. I have a sick obsession with Dawson's Creek
  4. I think Ben Affleck is the sexiest man alive
  5. I loved my boyfriend long before he was my boyfriend
  6. I suffer anxiety attacks regularly :(
  7. I haven't come across a fruit or vegetable I don't eat
  8. My favourite colour is blue, because that is the colour of scissors I was given to use in first grade :)
  9. I can spend hours looking at recipes on line and thoroughly enjoy grocery shopping
  10. I wish I lived in England, they have amazing cosmetics, and soooo much more affordable then here. :(
So now to the questions Abelia put forward.
1. If you had to lose an arm or a leg, which one would you cope best without?  One arm.  Having one leg I think would take away so much more of my Independence, and I'm a pretty independant person.

2. If you had to get a tattoo/new tattoo, what would you get and where would it be?  My siblings names on my ribs, I've wanted it for the longest time.

3. Do you prefer clubbing or going to gigs? Definitely going to gigs. 

4. Do you prefer things that fly or things that swim?  Things that swim.. At least I'm safe from them on land :)

5. What is your favourite perfume? YSL Young Sexy Love.  It is soo hard to find, but so delish.

6. If Internet and computers didn't exist, what would you do on a normal day?  Hmm, my initial thought was study, but that would involve computers.  Probably read, clean and play with makeup haha.

7. Who is your favourite Disney character? Belle. She is just so beautiful, and can pull of yellow.

8. How long have you gone without shaving your armpits - be honest now! haha  hahahahaha This is the best question, I actually looked at them in this mornings shower and went hmm probably should, then just didn't.  Must be getting close to a week or two now. hahaha.  During winter we could go 2-3 hahaha

9. If there is one body part you could change, what would it be and why?  Definitely my legs.  I want them longer damn it.

10. What is your favourite song of the last week?  Cigarette - Illy. Ive recently re-discovered my love for Australian Hip Hop. The lyrics always tell such amazing and relatable stories.

11. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried, and what at?  Haha me and my boyfriend do this on a regular occurrence.  He truly is the funniest person Ive ever known. 

My 11 questions are

  1. If you could be told the date you will die, would you want to know?
  2. What is the one cosmetic item that you could not live without?
  3. What is the one thing you wish you could have known 5 years ago, that you know today?
  4. Do you prefer bold eyes or bold lips?
  5. Do you prefer water or land activities?
  6. How much time per week do you spend on line?
  7. What cell phone do you own?
  8. Who is your favourite band?
  9. Neutrals or brights?
  10. Who would you love to change lives with for one day and why?

I tag
I'm only going to tag 5 because I'm on my phone and it's really painful ha ha

Happy Blogging



  1. great answers to my questions!! Loved reading :) and thanks for mentioning my blog! very sweet of you :) xx

  2. Whoops, I've only just seen this! I'll be sure to re-blog :)
